Accidental Ukrainians (Excerpt)

John Gordon Sennett
2 min readMar 8, 2024

A True Story from the Russian-Ukrainian War

Cover Design by Author

Tristan Ruark Andrii Getun

The texts below are the first paragraphs of Parts 1 and 2 of the last chapter of the book which is due to be released on Amazon Kindle in May 2024

Part 1 (First Paragraph)

February 25–26, 2024

February 24, 2024 was the two-year mark for Ukraine’s “Day that will live in infamy.” Waking in the morning, all those memories came flooding back. You can’t not remember those experiences once you have lived through them. You can file them in the back, but certain dates and events just reach down and pull them back to the forefront. I still can’t tell you why exactly we stayed. Natasha and I were determined not to be consumed by the fires of our memories of that day, so we planned to hit a café near St. Michael’s Square after she walked Philly. The date fell on a Saturday which meant we both were off, and she was on Philly Walk Duty in the morning since I usually take him Sunday through Friday. I call this my lazy morning as I don’t have to rush to do anything. My phone is turned to silent and I try not to look at the news and even ignore some messages and pretty much all phone calls. Working four 12-hour shifts means that I am on high alert on the days I do work, and it can be maddening.

