Awright, you made me homesick. Every day I miss it and think about it. When I tell people that I watch "The Sopranos" when I'm homesick, they're all like, you were in the mob? No, you idiots is what I want to say, it's how the characters tawk to each other, ya see? And well, the food. What was one of the first things I did when I moved to Ukraine? The quest for at least a passable pizza. Found one within two weeks and a good deli pastrami sandwich within in a month. The hardest thing not to do is to go Jersey on people. Always forget that others are not as thick-skinned when it comes to verbal confrontation or that you can't crack jokes with random strangers. Yea, I miss the Shore and everything else, but mosty I miss the people. Eat a hoagie in my name, would ya?