Benjamin. Good afternoon from Kyiv. I think you have hit the nail on the head. Elements of the esoteric still live and breathe within the Orthodox Church as do some ideas of Gnostic and Platonic thought (check out the Philokalia). For instance, the "Jesus Prayer" practiced throughout Orthodoxy and with a very heavy following on Mt. Athos has this Zen-like quality to it complete with how to breathe and hold your body in certain positions. Here in Ancient Kyiv during a war, Orthodoxy breathes through our very existence including that of Ukraine's Jewish President who lights candles in Orthodox churches, prays there and does official diplomatic credential visits at St. Sophia's Cathedral. We Orthodox have always been rather skeptical of the "Scholastic" approach as it takes away the spirit and mystery. Would love for you to expand on that Catholic-Orthodox divide at some point when you have time, Slava Ukraina!