Brother, I feel it too even though I have never been to the front. The constant barrage of death and destruction that is our reality. But, you and I, and others who are older, strong and running things from the rear will need to be there for our guys and girls when they finish this war. I have been thinking lately that it would be good to have a get away in the Carpathian Mountains (a safe place) for our soldiers to come, rest, do banya, have BBQ and maybe get some spiritual, psychological counseling or just spend time in the presence of nature, God and others who are willing to talk if they want to. I am Orthodox, but maybe cooperation with the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church would also help. My church in Kyiv is St. Volodymyr's under Patriarch Filaret and I know several priests and a bishop who might help provide guidance. I also have contacts who are under Metropolitan Epiphanies. What do you think?