Member-only story
Inviting Death to the Table
Death: Life’s Companion
A sperm cell dies. A single ovum goes unfertilized and dies, expelled with the menstrual flow. Millions of cells die every day and are replenished, and we accept that as life, science, biology but not as a death. One sperm breaks the membrane of an ovum and there we have life. There also, we have death at the same moment. That is where death becomes our companion. That joined cell may not properly adjoin itself to the uterine wall and die. We may never know that that life existed. A woman may be in a car accident and the child within her is lost or she is punched in the stomach by an abusive spouse who ends the life within her. The whir of the abortionist’s instrument may vibrate within and may slaughter that life inside. No matter where we stand morally, it is death.
Death is our constant companion. Shall we treat it as an enemy? No, death is a friend. One that is always with you is easier to accept and embrace if it is treated as a friend. I say “it” because seem to always give death a masculine persona. Perhaps it is because we know that it is the male energy that has brought more death upon the earth than the female. Yet, when we hear of those who have died and been brought back to life there is the image of the tunnel and the light. Is not the child’s journey from the womb similar? How do we know that death is masculine? Why is the angel of…