Devil Dog, I got so sick of answering those questions while the Battle of Kyiv was raging and the streets here were empty. I had been off Facebook for 2 years and got back on because the individual frantic text messages were beginning to piss me off more than the artillery and tank guns in the background so I told them all to check FB and started posting there daily. Then, people starting calling us heroes for staying and I was like...nope, not that at all. Just aren't running from these miscreants and the wife was steadfast in her resolve to stay. Went to sign up for Territorial Defense on Day 3 and they were out of weapons and didn't expect any more for weeks. Pictures from people stuck on the border had me thinking of Tom Petty's "You Don't Have to Live Like a Refugee". Kyiv was scary for about ten days, then we figured out that it would hold and figured it was the safest place in the whole country until they took out the electric and my ability to work remotely in October. Headed to Chernivtsi because we figured if the shit really hit the fan, Romania was just 25km away. 4 1/2 months away from Kyiv made us homesick, so we came back. Now, I feel like coming to see you guys and spend some money at the family business. That day will come, I hope. Stay strong. You guys did the right thing.