Excellent piece, Chris. Those of us of the "old Guard" who simply don't want to embrace the coming reality will either get left behind or move to the country. We will inevitably reach the "Singularity" sooner or later. Your guess of 10-20 years seems realistic and is in line with that of Kurtzwell. My own particular curiosity within the coming development is where does the spiritual fit in since the gods of logic and reason will rule even more than they do now? Will we see total and complete wealth redistribution once the machine human interface take over and see the irrationality of how economic systems are currently stacked? Will these systems or integration of homos digitalis reduce waste in consumer and other goods, only allowing production of what is necessary? Will we then have a "New World Order" where developed countries allow some centralized system to run just about everything from waste management to defense to the judicial system? Big questions and really only speculative at this point but the as Bob Dylan said "the times they are a'changing". Here in Ukraine, we have the Diya app which is the "state" in a smartphone and is developing rapidly.