Excellent piece of advice and insight, Johnny, I see the passport bros (American and otherwise) walking the streets of Kyiv even now during a war. They stick out like a sore thumb and might as well have a target with a dollar sign or a euro on their foreheads. Now here's my gig, brah, having had the same experience as you trotting the globe in my 20's and doing my multiracial share prior to social media. So, I was separated from my ex and working at the Jersey Shore because it's so easy to make money there in summer. I met a girl from Belarus who was shipped in to fill the labor shortage that occurs at the shore every year. We worked across the street from each other. Now, here we are in her homeland, 23 years later in a war and still chugging along. Everyone thought she was out for the Green Card too. Turns out, she is the best foxhole buddy I have ever had. The good ones are out there and might just fall in your lap when you're not looking. Often you won't find them when you're on the hunt, other than the hustlers. On a final note, it was just fate and so no reason to say anything down on American females. Shit happened for the good is all.