Good morning from Ukraine. Excellent piece, Tom. Some men achieve that enlightening moment like you have, others never do. I can't say when I reached it but not because I became successful. My point was when I had failed so many times and just said screw it, I am just going to live and leave the rest in God's hands. That moment changed me forever and is one of the reasons that I have stayed in Ukraine through the whole war. The only real fear I have felt since this war began is not being able to provide for my family and that's how I made the decisions to continue. This has also given me the freedom to help others here in the war and even some charities for Ukraine back in the States. It went to my head when people called me a hero but I soon got over it and stopped doing interviews or seeking attention. Instead, I just focused on what is truth and let speculation fall by the wayside. I live now in a nation of heroes doing everything they can to fend off evil in a physical form and I am humbled to be here with them. Peace and Slava Ukraina!