Hey bro! Haha, just joking from a certifiable "white boy" former Marine in Ukraine. Great article for veterans and African-American history and its influence on consumer trends and cultures. Personally, I prefer armagnac from the French. So, here's the deal. I started drinking "Ukrainian cognac" when I moved to Ukraine because being a white boy with Scottish roots, well Scotch was my go to. Bourbon was meh. However, I can buy about 4-5 bottles of the local cognac to 1 bottle of Scotch from Scotland; Cognac\Armagnac from France or Bourbon from the cracker south. When in Rome, right? Anyway, I have been trying to tell many of my Ukrainian friends about the export potential even though the French have now made them change the name to "brandy" via their rights to cognac and believe me, in my white boy opinion, the Ukrainian stuff is better than the French. But whaddaIknow, I am just a working class white boy from Jersey. Actually, I am not so much white as I am Jersey. How's that for ethnic identity, whaddyagunnado? Additionally, I have been telling many Ukrainians about how they were freed as serfs by the Tsar about the same time as the Emancipation Proclamation and that they should use this shared history with African-Americans to further their cause amongst y'all in the US. Hasn't gained much traction, unfortunately. Anyway, since you were in the military, I assume you are not so sensitive about my manner of speech\writing. You remember any of those white dudes in the military saying oh he can't watch my back because he's black, do ya? I know that in the Corps, we didn't check the color of our fellow Marines. Ok, I kinda rambled but this is what I leave you with. We could use some more color here in Ukraine. It's too damn white and I miss y'all and the Latinos, Asians, etc, etc.. Peace.