I am not a Ukrainian but pretty much think and feel the same way you do about the situation. Really, there is so much rich Ukrainian art and literature that has been suppressed for so long that it will take years, maybe decades for the West to understand and absorb it. There is a great article in the Kyiv Post today by Stan Olenchenko titled "Nine Things People Still Don't Get About Ukraine" that also focuses on some of your points but not in as much detail. The fact of the matter is that the West needs to develop and promote BA, MA and Phd. degrees on Ukrainian culture, history and literature and they need to start NOW. Many of us who have read Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers K will have to start from scratch to some extent. I accept the challenge and look forward to it, personally. So far, my favorite Ukrainian work is "The Cathedral" by Honchar but I am sure that I will discover other gems as I go. Keep plugging ahead, all quiet here in Chernivtsi so far. Slava Ukraina!