I Can’t Seem to Read or Write Here

John Gordon Sennett
2 min readAug 26, 2024

Medium Platform Blues

Ukrainian Meme

I can’t seem to read or write on Medium anymore. Is this due to living in war, age, a decline in cognitive function or general disinterest\disidentification with everything outside Ukraine? Everything just seems so mundane and bland including my own efforts. Maybe it’s because I went back to reading books again. That long form is more appealing. I am a first-year Gen X which means that life was very different when I began it and well into my late twenties\early thirties. Maybe we return to what is comfortable and familiar as we grow old. The war has changed us all in Ukraine. That’s a known factor. Nobody I now is the same now as they were before the full-scale invasion.

Frankly, I came back to Medium because a friend here in Ukraine asked me to write something for a publication he started. This was a huge problem as I had absolutely no passion for the piece even though it turned out ok. Compared to my other material it is not very good in my opinion but good enough for Medium. That sounds pathetic and it is. Nothing here interests me and thus, there is no appeal to writing anything at all. Money was never the object so it’s not that.

My wife and I have just signed a book deal for four books based on every year of war since the full-scale invasion. Yes, that’s a major factor. The motivation and appeal of long…

