I toyed with the actual meaning of what it means to be a writer for many years since I have been writing since my teens and now am getting deluged with offers to join AARP. Some of us, I think, write simply because we have to. That's my case. It's like something that exists deep down that just has to be let out. Thus, whether I get paid for it or not doesn't really matter that much. I've been chasing dollars since I was 14 so I refuse to do it with my writing because it sucks away the actual creativity and process. In fact, I have even stopped publishing most of what I write here and elsewhere and now just share it with a few family and friends. Somewhere within me there is a breakout novel and well, I wouldn't mind making enough to supplement my social security when it comes time for that but also not going to sell my soul to achieve it. Best to you as you continue on your own journey.