Matt, interesting article. You got the essence of the practice down pretty well. However, within the Eastern Orthdox tradition, one cannot really practice watchfulness without an established Prayer Rule and following the Orthodox Church's Fasting rules (or some semblance thereof). These help bring discernment, discipline and humility which are absolutely necessary. We do practice it without a spiritual father\mother as these have become rare within the Orthodox tradition. Often , this is done at the direction of our Parish Priest once we discuss it with him and he feels we may be ready for some baby steps. Our monastics, of course, take it to a much higher and more disciplined level. Since you are following this path, may I suggest reading "Orthodox Psychotherapy" by Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Ierotheos if you have not already read it? This book delves deeply into the healing power of Eastern Orthodoxy from a mental health perspective and may be of interest. May God have mercy on all of us.