Ok. Here's some questions:
1. Did you start blowing snots out of your nose in public? I see that everyday in my neighborhood.
2. Did you stop holding doors for people? Everyday occurrence here.
3. Did you stop common courtesy in general? Pretty much almost non-existent on a daily basis.
While, I am in Ukraine, the practices cut across both cultures as I saw them in Moscow when I was there. The question that always runs through my mind when seeing how people treat each other here is this: You have over a thousand years of civilized history and this is what you've got? This is where you are? Then, I hear the poor excuse that it was the Soviets who ruined it. Sorry, not buying what they are selling. They need a serious public ad campaign like the US had in the 70's with the crying Indian. I still live here and love many aspects of the culture, but it ain't all rosy and I have not completely given up hope...just yet.