Ok, so I sit in my flat in Kyiv where I have been the whole time and rarely read anything by anyone who is not here in Ukraine or at least has credible background and credentials. However, I liked your lead in and I could see enough of the first paragraph to give it a read. You have hit a very strong nail on the head. My wife listens a lot to Arestovych and he seems to be the most direct and accurate of those speaking for and about Ukraine. We know the east and the south are going to be a mess and may linger for years but we also wonder how the hell does Poo-poo pull it off? (Yes, that's what many Russian speakers now call the President of Russia). Will have to read some of your other stuff. There is a guy named Tom Cooper on Medium that is giving very excellent, detailed and unbiased military analysis of strategy and equipment losses by both sides that I would recommend for you to check out. Anyway, Kyiv is quiet and we are preparing for Palm Sunday tomorrow and Pascha next week. Is it normal? No. Is it functional, livable and relatively safe? Yes.