Simon: Another one that gave me the depth to make it through another war day. I have been thinking that we in Ukraine may have to ritualize our rebirths after the war ends. A sort of ecumenical approach much in line with the Masonic ritual but not adhering to any one belief system. In that ritual, the old man dies and a new one is raised as a Master Mason. Here, after the war, I was thinking that a ritualization of putting our war life\selves to death and rising as new sons\daughters of peace. Of course, we would have to be careful and tread lightly. But I think it should be a universal type practice that embraces all faiths yet allows each individual to process it within their own particular belief system. Thus, we would need input from practitioners of those faiths so it does not become "cultish". It would be a healing of the psyche and soul along with the symbolism of laying the war to rest so we can learn to live anew without the war. Will it erase all scars? No. However, the power of ritualization may at least begin the process.