Simon, your essay brought to me a thought. We are all travelers on a multitude of different paths but at some point we all come to a crossroads. There, at that juncture is an inn which is open and we all enter. There, we break bread, have a drink and speak in respectful tones. Or, we stop at a campfire and sit in a circle telling the tales of our journey. We don't have to agree but we should make ourselves available to listen. I think that as long as no one prosletizes for political or religious beliefs, we can be safe. We must recognize that the paths are different but the end of the journey may eventually be the same. What works for me, doesn't work for you but maybe I will gather insight from the path you have chosen. Nicholas Berdyaev wrote extensively on the personality as the chief portion of our existence in his book "Slavery and Freedom". Might be worth a look if you can get your hand on a copy. Here, in the Ukraine War, we are seeing in real time what makes men willing to give their lives for the brothers\sisters in arms and well, also volunteers, medics and those who refuse to leave their homes. The spirit is alive and well. It needs to be nurtured and I am in if I can be of any use.