Sometimes I wonder on anyone outside Ukraine can even think to have insight into this war. If you are not here on the ground, feeling the pulse, then how can one determine a viable solution? Russians will never take to the streets to end the war when 70-80% of the population support and revel when playgrounds are struck by missiles. This goes far deeper than most westerners can understand. Those Russians you spoke to say they are not involved and it is not their war because that's what they think you want to hear. They are as much a nation of liars as they are of rapists, murderers, thieves and everything else repulsive. Maybe stick to eating that awesome Thai food and enjoying the beautiful scenery in the future, brah. We need weapons to defeat this beast and that's about all that's going to work because depending on the Russians to do it themselves would just be folly. The Russians that rose up in 1917 (albeit just to install another form of empire) are not the Russians of today.