Sorry your Thanksgiving was a bust. There is this thing growing in me and my wife concerning how the US, NATO and other powers are just sitting there letting civilians be bombed as if they are still afraid of Russia. Seems they may be as brainwashed as the Russian public or maybe they all just lack a decent set of cojones. It almost seems like they are treating Putin much like Hitler was "Dealt" with and can't understand why they just don't nip this is in the bud. But, what do I know, I just have a front row seat and some understanding of strategy and logistics. Are they hoping to continue trade with Russia, is it capitalist interests or just plain fear? Can't put my finger on that one but woe to them when the history of this war is written. All quiet here and occasional power outages but they don't last long. Might hang until spring at this point with faith in UAF but losing it with the West getting them the gear they need to wrap this up. Take care.