T’was the Night Before Christmas in the War on Ukraine
A Twist on the tradition
T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the country
The russians kept coming and attacking our land
As soldiers lay freezing and hungry in trenches
Wishing today they could lay on warm benches
The missiles and rockets flew over their heads
While commanders counted the number of dead
Yaroslav lay dreaming in his warm cap
A break from the fighting, a cold winter’s nap
A machine gun awoke him with its rat-a-tat-tat
While the warm fuzzy feeling from the trench cat
He grabbed his rifle, arose to the incoming clatter
While his fellow soldier’s teeth cold from the chatter
A flare went up glistening the new fallen snow
Russians soldiers on the horizon lined up in a row
When what this did just appear?
A HIMARS rocket shot from the rear
Life in the trench soon became such a bustle
Yaroslav knew the commander would tell them to hustle
Grab your weapons now soldiers, load you guns
We’ve got these damn russians again on the run
Now Ruslan, now Serhii and you, what’s your name?
Hold steady, now soldiers get ready and take aim
Shoot them down fast when they come over that wall
For the more we do this the more the enemy will fall
Dry leaves blew across the great Ukrainian steppes
And the soldiers snapped up, all full of newfound pep
The Russians soon came and were again mowed down
While in the Kremlin still sat Vova the clown
And a twinkling from the flare soon shown light
On piles of russian corpses who fell in the fight
As the soldiers drew back, there arose such a one
The ghost of Comrades Past showing the war would be won
Songs of joy and victory they could hear would be sung
But the bells of the churches could not today yet be rung
For the war rages on and the soldiers must collect their dead
All ravaged and bloody, some who lost also their head
Yet another spirit in the moonlight soon would appear
His golden robe gleaming, his voice for all to hear
St. Nicholas stood before them, a smile on his face
A blessing from him, in this dark, desolate place
His hand rose quickly, the enemy to slap
Like Arius of old, the blow caused a clap
To the russian demagogue, it fell strong and hard
While they drag kicking, screaming, across the wide yard
Now, St Nicholas was tall, his authority reigned supreme
While the soldiers all thought this must be a dream
More Russians soon fell in the towns on the borders
As commanders shouted “Fight On” giving their orders
Tanks rolled across the far-off villages with a blast
Hoping that soon the war would be in the past
Howitzers loaded and shooting their precision rounds
And Ukraine’s Armed Forces continued gaining ground
St Nicholas departed as freedom would soon reign
He blessed all for victory who fought for Ukraine
Tales will be told and the land will all be one
And the soldiers will go home as soon as its done.