Well, I can't really say why the mystical still exists with the Divine Liturgy and other services of the Orthodox Church. What I can say, is that i always feel better and more exceptionally grounded after I attend the services. Our tradition was completely oral for at least a few hundred years and there is that continuity of ritual and tradition that just carries through. I adhere because Orthodoxy requires effort from me which enhances self-discipline (we have spoken before about the essential therapeutic nature of Orthodoxy). Many ancient and even modern Orthodox saints and writers teach us to revere nature as to respect the work of Unseen hands, like art by the ultimate artist. Orthodoxy is very much pantheistic in its practices. First, we worship a Triune God that is the same being but with three different natures, Secondly, we pray, light candles to a multitude of saints (there have to be at least 20-25 different "stations" within my cathedral (St. Volodymyr's in Kyiv). We recognize that the Triune God(s) rules over all but individual saints intercede for us in regard to certain requests or appeals. Thus, we are organized with a definitive "Chain-of-command" so to speak. We don't recognize the saints as being ruling deities but as intercessors. But it is still pantheistic at its very core. So, you kinda nailed it to a certain extent.