Well...there is much better analysis happening on Telegram here in Ukraine. I pay some attention to 3 of the 4 you have picked on occasion but the situation and intuition on the ground is quite a bit different. Not knocking your choices as 3 of the 4 have pretty good insight overall. But the "real" and "live" information is happening on Telegram. Beware of some of the other people commenting in favor of Scott C. Dunn, etc as they are Russian propagandists (there are many here on Medium). Timothy Snyder of Yale did a whole series of lectures on Ukraine which are free on YouTube if you want to look into the historical analysis. Military and strategic analysis are a whole other sphere altogether and for that, stick to the people who are on the ground in the actual war zone. That's my two kopecks from here in Kyiv.

John Gordon Sennett
John Gordon Sennett

Written by John Gordon Sennett

Living in a War Zone. An unexpected twist in life.

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