Yea, dude, I feel you...a little. I celebrated my 58th birthday here in the Ukraine War on February 8th. Ya gotta understand that what the world thinks, says or does really doesn't matter. Our 50's are a time for spiritual growth while keeping the engine tuned and the body work in order. Trust not in princes, in sons of men for their plans perish as will we. Look inside your soul, you should be in tune with it at this age. My best years of life have been in my 50's and I am at best, moderately successful working remotely from a War Zone. They just popped the Social Security age for us to 67, so gonna be at it a bit longer. Do I want to do what I am doing now until I reach that age? Hell f-ing no. Will I if I have to. Hell, f-ing yeah. But it won't be the Swan Song unless a Russian missile takes me out. Listen to your heart, bro. You'll find the path.